How old is Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier? When is Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's birthday? Where is Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier born? Where did Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier grow up from? What's Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's age?

Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier Born: 1960 (age 63years)

Is Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier married? When did Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier get married? Who's Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's married to? (Who's Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's husband / wife)?

Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier Spouse: Anne-Line Bjerkan

How about Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's parents?

Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier Parents: Brigitte Bardot, Jacques Charrier

How about Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's aunt?

Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier Aunt: Mijanou Bardot

Does Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier have any children? What are the names of Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's children? What are the ages of Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier's children?

Nicolas‑Jacques Charrier Children: Thea Charrier, Anna Charrier

Did Bridget Bardot have a relationship with her son?

Brigitte Bardot is a French actress, singer, author, animal rights activist, and former fashion model who has a net worth of $65 million. Brigitte was one of the most popular actresses in the world in the 1950s and 1960s. She retired from acting in 1973 and has largely retreated to a private life.

Did Bridget Bardot have children?

Brigitte Bardot is a French actress, singer, author, animal rights activist, and former fashion model who has a net worth of $65 million. Brigitte was one of the most popular actresses in the world in the 1950s and 1960s. She retired from acting in 1973 and has largely retreated to a private life.

Why did Brigitte Bardot quit acting?

Brigitte Bardot is a French actress, singer, author, animal rights activist, and former fashion model who has a net worth of $65 million. Brigitte was one of the most popular actresses in the world in the 1950s and 1960s. She retired from acting in 1973 and has largely retreated to a private life.

How rich is Brigitte Bardot?

Brigitte Bardot is a French actress, singer, author, animal rights activist, and former fashion model who has a net worth of $65 million. Brigitte was one of the most popular actresses in the world in the 1950s and 1960s. She retired from acting in 1973 and has largely retreated to a private life.
